tirsdag, januar 21, 2025
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Different Sweets

This is an incredibly beautiful record: the Lakes swims in woozy Americana, Repeating's celestially climatic caws are similar to fellow vessel of emotion Patrick Watson, and Cavalier's cries of 'I remember my first love' produce a sensationally stirring moment.

Potatoes With Meat

William Doyle offers up shimmering passages of systems-indebted music, like opener Glitter Recession these give way to stylishly observed club-facing workouts.


Perfect Sushi Selection

The long, spaced-out fades of Under the Pressure and Disappearing provide dreamy interludes worthy of Tangerine Dream. The decaying guitars and analogue synthesisers create a crepuscular melancholy.

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Must Read

En flot andenplads til Rebild Syd ved de Jyske Mesterskaber!

Af Flemming Holm Sørensen,træner Rebild Syds U14 hold blev, efter en forrygende indendørs sæson med 12 sejre ud af 12 mulige, kvalificeret til regionsmesterskaberne i...